Carlo Lei from Liminateatri, (Italian contemporary theatre magazine)
“Party Time, a clown-dad that shows boundless generosity and the perfect dose of sweetness with his teddy bear, and with the audience. He breaks any barriers with his charm as he brings smiles over a short melody of an ‘oh!’ full of wonder”.

Irene Marques Bellosta, Barcelona Arts Centre Programmer
“What a fantastic show for all ages (aimed at family audiences). It makes people smile and laugh from the heart. Tender, witty, fun and approachable”.

Alberto Román Vílchez – Journalist in Ideal Úbeda
“A hymn to friendship and the beauty of the simple things […] a very personal, evocative show, speckled with colourful details, that brightened the morning of young and old alike. It stood out for its simplicity and for the connection it created with the audience .” […]

Aleix Vallverdú Palau, Convent of the Arts of Alcover Programmer (Tarragona)
“Clown “Bergamotto” connects with the audience right from the start to the end with a series of gentle gags that drew a smile from ear to ear throughout the whole show”.

Gloria Parra Madrid Arts Centres Programmer
“All the parents and children were absolutely delighted and wanted to have a picture taken with “Bergamotto”. “It was a very fun and interactive performance.”

El Vallenc Newspaper Culture
The audience enjoyed a night of humour, fantasy and play in the show without words, which stands out for the impeccable staging of the clown Pasquale Marino, who brought a smile to the face and aroused a great number of emotions among young and old alike.



Rafael Lamata Cotanda “Los Torreznos”
“It is difficult to describe what you can’t see but it’s at play within the show. I really enjoyed the value of simplicity, one finger.…a strip of brown tape that turns into a donkey, a dog, a chiAnd Bergamotto? With those high eyebrows and a painted smile. Over the principle of innocence every game in the show is developed. The laughter of mistakes, of clumsiness, that mix of melancholy and humor”

Tamborinada-Barcelona Programmer
“He creates a comedy which is simple, sweet and spontaneous using a gestual language that breaks the boundaries between reality and fantasy.”

Sara Azzolini, Latemar Circus Festival Programmer, Trento, Italy
“A unique funny face and sweet humor that provokes a beautiful and heartfelt laughter in the audience.”

Lea Mancino, Giffoni Film Street Festival Programmer, Italy
“A show full of poetic and playful moments.”

La LLeialtat Santsenca Theatre, Family Theatre Director, Barcelona
“A tender Clown that makes you laugh at every moment.”


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